Champagne and Salsa...that's EXACTLY how I like to celebrate V-Day.
(Oh, and it's May)
Where Your Spelling Errors and Weird Product Names Live On Forever.
See, I WAS going to make fun of this using my normal dirty-minded pleasantries, but I started thinking about it and I think this is actually a good idea!
No longer do we have to suffer bed bugs, bodily fluids or used needles in our hotel beds!
...or are those just the hotels I stay in?
Are you a mother who constantly tells her children to "Pick up your feet!" but they just won't listen? Are you plagued with pesky dirt? Well, we have the solution with our new Dust Mop Slippers!!!*
* May cause children to complain, dirty mop slippers on your carpet and/or various other clean household items, and kitchen slips and falls.