Monday, January 26, 2009



Hmmm...They look like carnations to me.

Now all the kids are going to get confused and they'll all be grazing out back.

"TIMMY! Stop gnawing on that tree!!!"



Smells like Clay and Slave Labor?




Smelling this is like listening to Marvin Gaye.


Reminder: Don't put it in your mouth, a million people have touched it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Smart" Chickens


Not quite smart enough it seems...

Young & Smylie


I've been described as that before too!

Oh, and I meant the Young & Smylie part...not the Licorice...or that whole Strawberry thing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh Dear Lord


See anything wrong with this picture?

Here's a closer view:


1) It's WednesDay...see the "D" there?

2) There's no apostrophe in "21st."

3) This is a fundraiser for a SCHOOL!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this one.

Rock and Rail (Get it?)



Alright, these aren't signs...but really, how lazy do you have to be to make your guard rails around ROCKS?

See, I don't know if lazy is the word though. Whatever genius (and I use "genius" loosely), did this, s/he had to take precise measurements and make this exactly around (or in the case of the second picture, THROUGH) these things.

Genius? Laziness? Madness? Pure Unadulterated Awesomeness?

You decide.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cancerous California


Here is yet another one of those crazy, cancer-causing buildings. This time in a hotel, no less.

I think they need to stop putting up these signs and just declare California unsafe for pregnant/ nursing women.

Turkey Calendar?


...because a big wad of feathers, a wattle the size of your head and a face only a mother could love is what I want to stare at for 12 months.

I Think They're Onto Something There


Taco meat? Check.

Taco Seasonings? Check.

Taco Shells? Check.

Prilosec for when your raging acid reflux flares up after eating all those tacos (even though your doctor told you not to...who listens to him anyway?) Check.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh, Crud!


Racist Coffee


I think I'll take my coffee white today.

Fog Off!


I'm pretty sure if I was in England i'd be terribly offended.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Delux Burger


Do you think I could ask for it to be served with "Broccli Salad?"

Broccli Salad


Yes it's misspelled, but isn't the real issue here what IS broccoli salad? I personally have never in my life said, "Hey, you know what I could really go for? Some broccoli salad!"

...maybe that's just me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Once Again...

Photobucket I want to know?

The Sign That Started It All


Yes folks, it's true. This little sign is what started me on my never-ending path of finding signs wherever I go. Even though my husband gets annoyed that we can't make it through a simple grocery shopping trip without me stopping to take a picture of something I find amusing, it's all worth it to hear how much y'all love these signs.

...did I just say y'all?

Anyway, now it's time for my commentary.


Are you ready?

Because here it comes!

...okay seriously now:

Do I even WANT to know what event took place to make them feel this sign was necessary?

Spotted at Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, CA

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Their Food is Great! Their Grammar? Not So Much...


I could comment on the numerous spelling/grammatical errors...

I could say something about how they felt the need to write in giant CAPS then smaller CAPS then giant CAPS once again only to tease me with semi-normal capitalization to then return yet again to the CAPS...

...but i'm just glad they got "our" and "are" right.

Spotted in Temple City, CA

Pickles Olives or Pickles/Olives?


So depending on your mood you can have Pickles Olives or Pickles SLASH Olives.

*cue Clint Eastwood accent*

"Make your choice...punk."




Friday, January 16, 2009

At Least Your Car Will Be Safe...


The worst part is that they have a pink "Expectant Mother" parking spot.



For the person who has everything...



Seriously people...the correct spelling is RIGHT above the sign.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Delish!


That's good...I bought some nuts called "It's Nasty" and they just weren't the same.

Truth in advertising I suppose.

The Secret Life of the American Housecat


Is anyone else incredibly disturbed by this?

Thanks to Sign Spotter April B.!



Actually, I prefer "Hamsters!"

Spotted tagged on a wall in Kansas City, MO

Pegasus 'R' Us


Does Animal Planet have a lot of programming on Pegasus'?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ooo Minty!


It's one of those days when you have to ask yourself: Do I want to be Revitalized, Invigorated or Refreshed?

...because obviously all you're getting is mint.

Looks Like It'll Take A While

Photobucket that's a right for West Texas?

Spotted in Texas...obviously :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Honest Kids


Not like those dirty liars with unorganic, sugary drinks...

Don't Tell The Tourists...


...but Hollywood's Closed.

Hear that folks? It's CLOSED. No need to crowd the streets/freeways/sidewalks I drive down and make it take 2 hours to get 40 miles.

That is all.

(...and yes, i'm aware that the sign says HOLYwood, which could start a whole new post itself, but i'm gonna go with not enough spacing to fit the whole word, not a misspelling).

Only in America


Cinnamon Disks


You know, I was going to make fun of the name of these things, but when I saw that they were so popular that there were none left...I guess that kind of shut my mouth.

...okay, i'll get one in...

Cinnamon Disks! Cinnamon Disks??? HAHAHAHA

...okay i'm done.

Innocent Little Horsies


What exactly is going on here? Is this a kids toy? Where is that little horsie going?

Perhaps a different angle will help...


Nope, this is just as weird. What exactly are they trying to encourage here? That little dog in there looks a little guilty as well. Maybe the little horse is a baby and it's just looking for milk...yes, yes I think that's what we're going with here.


Photobucket $1.99!

What's even funnier is that it's an "energy drink." ...maybe not mistaken placement after all???



Job training for those who have low expectations of their children.