Alright, these aren't signs...but really, how lazy do you have to be to make your guard rails around ROCKS?
See, I don't know if lazy is the word though. Whatever genius (and I use "genius" loosely), did this, s/he had to take precise measurements and make this exactly around (or in the case of the second picture, THROUGH) these things.
Genius? Laziness? Madness? Pure Unadulterated Awesomeness?
Prilosec for when your raging acid reflux flares up after eating all those tacos (even though your doctor told you not to...who listens to him anyway?) Check.
Yes it's misspelled, but isn't the real issue here what IS broccoli salad? I personally have never in my life said, "Hey, you know what I could really go for? Some broccoli salad!"
Yes folks, it's true. This little sign is what started me on my never-ending path of finding signs wherever I go. Even though my husband gets annoyed that we can't make it through a simple grocery shopping trip without me stopping to take a picture of something I find amusing, it's all worth it to hear how much y'all love these signs.
...did I just say y'all?
Anyway, now it's time for my commentary.
Are you ready?
Because here it comes!
...okay seriously now:
Do I even WANT to know what event took place to make them feel this sign was necessary?
I could comment on the numerous spelling/grammatical errors...
I could say something about how they felt the need to write in giant CAPS then smaller CAPS then giant CAPS once again only to tease me with semi-normal capitalization to then return yet again to the CAPS...
...but i'm just glad they got "our" and "are" right.
Hear that folks? It's CLOSED. No need to crowd the streets/freeways/sidewalks I drive down and make it take 2 hours to get 40 miles.
That is all.
(...and yes, i'm aware that the sign says HOLYwood, which could start a whole new post itself, but i'm gonna go with not enough spacing to fit the whole word, not a misspelling).
You know, I was going to make fun of the name of these things, but when I saw that they were so popular that there were none left...I guess that kind of shut my mouth.
What exactly is going on here? Is this a kids toy? Where is that little horsie going?
Perhaps a different angle will help...
Nope, this is just as weird. What exactly are they trying to encourage here? That little dog in there looks a little guilty as well. Maybe the little horse is a baby and it's just looking for milk...yes, yes I think that's what we're going with here.
Well hello there, so nice of you to join me. Won't you come in? Okay, okay cheesy...welcome to my blog anyway! I hope you'll like what you see...and hopefully get a cheap laugh out of it. Thanks for looking :)
Submit a Sign!
If you'd like to submit a sign you've spotted, you can send it in an email to Even if you want to ask a question or just say hi go ahead and email me! Now get out there and find those Signs!!!