Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
I hope your day is a lot less creepy than this:
Step away from the egg nog Uncle Jerry...
Oh, and don't forget to take pictures of the strange stuff you get! (Just don't do it in front of the weird relative that gave it to you).
Merry Christmas to all and to all, find a good sign!
Hey Guys, This is a Bag of Potato Chips.
Wow...someone really dropped the ball on this one. "Apple Thing" ...Doesn't sound too appetizing, does it?
"Hey, what do we have lying around here?"
"A whole bunch of apples and some other things."
"Meh, just throw them all in, I have the PERFECT name for it."
Oh, and in MORE creative names news, be sure to try the "Carrot Cake."
I Can Already Taste The Crabiness!
Monday, December 22, 2008
11 Percent
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Subway of the Gods
No way! Gambling, Heineken, AND 5 Dollar Footlongs? (Sing it with me! 5...5 dollar...5 dollar footlongs!) This is what heaven must look like...
Spotted in Las Vegas, NV
The folks at the NE Travel Bureau must be desperate
Valentine is a city in the middle of Nebraska which i'm sure is a reasonable amount of fun. It just cracks me up that they called it "The good life." Now almost all of my family is in Nebraska and it's a great place, but "The Good Life?"
...anyone agree with that?
Spotted in Omaha, NE
Mixed Cultures
Maybe They Thought The Same Thing?
Mercy Coin
Here we have a nice fountain (fountain not included). I walked up to it thinking it was just a pretty little decorative fountain. Apparently I was mistaken. You need to have coins when you approach this particular water vessel, or else. Or else what you might ask? Well, take a look at this:
You need a coin for MERCY! MuahaHAHahA!!! (that was supposed to be an evil laugh). Anyway, i'm getting a little carried away...what this REALLY is, is a donation fountain for a church.
I just don't think I need to have to pay to get a little mercy around here! ...wait. I didn't put anything in when I was there. Is that why these nuns followed me to the bank? Oh please Sister Mary Margaret, I swear! I don't have any coins! Wait...why are you pulling out that ruler???
Spotted in Kansas City, MO
First Day of Winter
In honor of the First Day of Winter (and no, I don't know why I capitalized all those words), I've decided to put up a sign which KIND of resembles the possibility of maybe a little snow. Alright, there's no connection at all, but just check out the name of this place:
Isn't that cute? That's what happens to MY socks in the laundry but...wait, aren't they building a business on the main principle of NOT losing people's belongings? Maybe that's just me...
Anyway, I thought the name was just a joke until I went in and they tried to SELL me all of the socks i'd lost over the past few months. Obviously I was NOT going to pay for my own socks! Unfortunately for me however, the British owners used their superior linguistic skills to confuse me into paying.
I'm beginning to think all those English classes were a waste of time...
Spotted in Kansas City, MO
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Da Da Da Da!!!
Time for the first ever Sign on Sign Spotting!!! Okay I know, this is too exciting, but bear with me folks...
Here we have an adorable little bunny!!!
This isn't Little Bunny Foo Foo kids.
I don't know what bothers me more, the fact that it's a "starter deck" (which means there has to be MORE!!! ...and of different colors no less) or the fact that it reminds me of that "cute little bunny rabbit" in Monty Python...
Hi everyone!
I wanted to create a welcome blog here to let all of you know what this place is all about. That's right, it's a blog ABOUT a blog. As all of you know (and by all of you, I mean almost no one), I love taking pictures of random signs and silly things I see. So I have a project for those of you who are bored, wanna help me out, or are just otherwise looking for an excuse to escape the dullness of reality.
What I think makes signs interesting are things like ironic signs (A handicapped access sign in front of stairs), misspelled signs (A sign that says "Chinese Dinnor" on a grocery store window) or just strangely named things, (A product called "Animal Hottie" at a department store).
Well anyway, what I would like from you guys are any pictures of things like this. Anything random or funny or just plain silly you come across, just take a little picture and send it my way :) Don't forget to include your name so I can give you the credit you deserve! I'll post it as first name and last initial to protect your privacy.
I guess I'd better create some rules...even though no one likes rules. Let's call them "guidelines"...they're quicker and less painful.
- All Signs submitted that are not your own must have either a link to the site they came from or some way for me to give credit to the person or persons who did take the picture.
- Nothing TOO obscene, there are youngsters around! (If you do end up finding something hilariously stupid but it's not quite appropriate, send it anyway with the title "Adult Sign" or something so we can create an alternate link for those types of things).
- Most pictures of the Signs I've taken are with my cell phone, so there's no stipulation on what quality the picture is. As long as I can make it out, go ahead and send it in!
- I might crop or tweak things slightly to make them more pleasing to the eye, so sending it in gives me permission to do so. If you do NOT want me to do anything to the picture, please explain that somewhere in the email.
- If you just want to say hi or ask me a question, and you don't have a Silly Sign, go ahead! It would be great to hear from you!
I guess that's really it, I'll make edits to the guidelines as we roll along our merry way if anything comes across as "ruleworthy." Thank you for reading Sign get out there and find those signs!!!